Friday, March 9, 2012


It is A LOT more fun to shop for a baby girl than a baby boy! It might be, that for the last 8 years, I have been banished to the small section of boys clothes, granted there are some cute little boy clothes, but NOTHING like there is for girls.

I have done a little shopping for Aurora, and so has my mom, and a few friends.
Yes, there are two Ute shirts (different sizes of course!)...I love it when stuff is on clearance! Hopefully, this little one will be a Ute fan with her mom!

On a more serious note, on Wednesday I went for another ultrasound. I was hoping to walk away with another clear confirmation that this baby is a girl. The baby, I still believe is a girl, because of the last ultrasound did not want to spread her legs like she did the first time. There were still three very distinct lines, and nothing poking out, so until proven otherwise this is still a girl!
They did find that her kidneys are dilated. It is a soft marker for Down Syndrome. Ken and I had chosen not to have the quad screen test, but with encouragement from this doctor I ended up having it done right after the ultrasound. I hate my veins, the phlebotomist blew out the vein in my right arm, two veins in my left hand, and then finally got a vial of blood from my left arm!The results from the quad screen should be back by Wednesday, but all that really does it tell us if we have a higher likelihood of having a baby with DS, so it will not give us a concrete answer. The only way to have a concrete answer is to have an amniocentesis, which at this point I don't have to have done. I am scheduled for another ultrasound on April 5, and hopefully by then her kidneys will not be dilated. The doctor did say that everything else from head to toe look perfect. Since receiving the news about the soft marker, I have had a few difficult moments. I am amazed at the peace that I have felt. I don't know whether it is because Aurora is just fine, or that our home will be blessed with a very choice DS daughter.

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