Sunday, May 20, 2012

Patriotic Program

Last week, Wilson was in the 2nd grade Patriotic Program at school. He is in a 1st/2nd grade split this year, and has been able to do all things with the 1st and 2nd grade - that has meant lots of field trips, activities, and parties - he has had a great year.
Wilson was so excited for Ken and I to go to his program.  He was especially excited because he told Ken that he was going to get to stand at one part.  They invited all active military and veterans to stand and be recognized.
I am so grateful to live here, and to have my children raised in a area where patriotism is encouraged and celebrated.  The children used each letter in the alphabet to talk about our country, "G" was for God, in whom we trust - I love that we live in a place where it is OK to talk about God.
The last song was "I'm Proud to be an American", Wilson has been singing this song for weeks in the shower.  This song always makes me a little teary.  It reminds me of the time that Ken spent in Iraq.  I sat there, in the program, watching my nephew and son sing there little hearts out, and I was completely overwhelmed with gratitude.  Gratitude for the country that I love in, grateful for being able to raise my family in Farmington (which all traces back to that difficult time that Ken served in Iraq), grateful for all of my many, many blessings.  I hate it when I cry, but I could not control it (it is nice to have pregnancy hormones to explain part of it!)
 Wilson with his buddy Luke

 Keaton grinning from ear to ear:)
I am so disappointed because I recorded part of the song, but I recorded it on the tape in the camera, so I can't download it on to the computer!
Next week we get to go to the 1st grade program - Wilson has a speaking part, so I will try and get it on video...

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