Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family Update

I don't know where the month of January went is now gone! January, like the end of December, has been a whirlwind of the sickies, Wilson had strep throat, and the rest of us have had a yuckie cold. I am hoping that February is much nicer to us health wise!

Ken celebrated his 40th birthday! We had fun night out with Eric & Heidi, and Bart & Shell at Mikado. It was fun to get out with just adults, which none of us do enough! Evan babysat the boys, I can't believe he is old enough to do that, but he is! I am sure we will be using him often!

The boys finally got to play in some snow! It has been such a mild winter...I am not complaining!

Wilson finished another successful term in First grade. It is getting a little harder to get him to do his homework, but he does it. He is a great speller, and consistently gets 100% plus his challenge words.

Holden loves preschool, and playing with LEGOs. He is funny and entertaining as always.

Josef is Josef! He keeps himself busy getting into trouble. He loves to fill the toilets with toilet paper, play in the sinks and bathtubs (with water of course), turn off the power to the TV while his brothers are watching it, and play with his brothers! He has started sleeping in the big boys room, and loves sharing a full size bed with Holden. They are so cute together at night, all cuddled up together with their blankets, stuffed animals, and pillow pets! They love to chat, and frequently get in trouble for not falling asleep.

Josef wanting a picture with a necklace on....

I will try and do better at keeping the blog updated in February!

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