Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ready for Stake Conference

This morning we had Stake Conference, so we had a little extra time. I couldn't resist taking some pictures of the boys in the white shirts and ties. They have grown up so much! One of the speakers, at conference, was a young man that just received his mission call to the Dominican Republic. He talked about the things that he had done to prepare for a mission. I hope that the things that we are doing with our boys now will prepare them for missionary service.

At conference, I saw Mary Ann Kershisnik. She has been on my mind so much the past month. I have stopped by her home twice to see her, but she hasn't been home. It was great to see her. She is a wonderful example of a boy mom to me. She raised four boys - I can't imagine one more:) She was there to hear her granddaughter Mikey speak, because she just returned from a mission in Russia. Mary Ann sat with us until she had to leave for her own meetings. Holden sat right next to her, and read books and colored. Later in the meeting Josef warmed up to her, and wanted to sit next to her. She held his crayons, and helped him color. It was sweet to see all of my boys interact with such a wonderful lady. I am so grateful for the great examples I have in my life!

1 comment:


lol...stilll funny you had 3 boys and i had 2 girls..crazy!