Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do you recognize this little girl?

This sassy, little girl is one of my favorite people. She has grown up to be such an amazing woman. When I lived with her, she had just turned 12. She loved to have fun with friends, was the life of the party (and still is :), and school and homework cramped her style! I was shocked when she matured into such a focused and driven student in high school and now college. She loves to cook and bake (is great at it too), and is a great help to her mom (who I am sure taught her everything she knows) in the kitchen. She is such a HUGE BYU fan, and can be blamed for some (a lot) of the brainwashing my boys have been subjected to! My boys love it when she comes to dinner, and they can talk about Harry Potter.

I think the picture was taken at Disneyland in about 1994. I didn't go, because I had just moved to Utah and was looking for a job, but my mom, dad, and uncle Stan joined this family (and lots of extended family) for a day of fun. I only know that because there are more pictures to come from this day at Disneyland!

It is Heidi Holmes...

Heidi, Holden, and Wilson AKA Hermione, Ron, and Harry

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