Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pinewood Derby

 Wilson had his first Pinewood Derby!  He and Ken went over to Ken's Asst. Scoutmaster, Jason, for help.  He builds pinewood cars and races them as a hobby.  Jason won the state championship, and sends his cars all of the US to race.  He has a full track in his basement.  Jason worked with Wilson on the design, and taught him some physics to go along with it.  Ken and Wilson had a great time building it together.  Wilson also won the Most Patriotic Award, he named his car American Flames!

Wilson's car came in second place overall.  Each car raced 12 times, twice in each lane.  The track is hooked up to a computer system that tracks all of the times, and speeds.  Wilson's car ran consistently at 234 mph.  The winner's car ran consistently at 236 mph.
The best part of this video is watching Holden sitting on the side of the track, he and Josef had so much fun watching the races!

This is the first of many pinewood derby's for the Portlock family!

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