Sunday, July 3, 2011

Art & Vicky

I found this picture awhile ago, and it reminded me of the first time I met Art and Vicky. I had gone to Carlsbad for the Fourth of July weekend with my friends June and Kayla. My mom and dad had a BBQ, and invited Art & Vicky, and David and Mary Ann Kershisnik. Art and Vicky had moved to Carlsbad, and my mom met them at the bank. The Kershisnik's were serving a mission in the Carlsbad California Mission office. I think this was probably in 1996, but I am not sure. I would have never guessed what an important part Art and Vicky would play in my life, at a point when I really needed them. I am so grateful for the special people that the Lord places in our lives to answer our prayers!

In 1998 Kayla, my best friend and roommate at the time, got married. I moved into Art and Vicky's basement in West Jordan. I decided to quit working, and go back to school and earn my Bachelor's degree at the University of Utah. Shortly after I moved into their basement, Art and Vicky bought a home in Federal Heights which is a short walk to the U. I lived with them, again in their wonderful basement, for a year and a half while I finished my degree. This picture is taken in front of their house, by my dad when he was visiting. Art and Vicky were so generous and gracious to me. This was a difficult time for me, and they were so supportive. They were great company in the evenings, and I enjoyed many dinners in a bowl! At times, they were also very respectful of my privacy and allowed me the alone time I needed to heal. I will forever be grateful for them! I love that when Art and Vicky moved from this home, they gave me the white planters that are in this picture. I have them on my back patio filled with flowers, and they are a wonderful reminder of that home, and the wonderful people that lived there.

This picture is taken at my wedding reception. Since I lived with them, they have continued to be supportive of me. They attended Wilson, Holden, and Josef's blessings. Vicky crocheted them beautiful white afghans for the occasion. They are regulars at family gathers, like the one that I will have at my house tonight since my mom and dad are visiting.

A couple of months ago, Art and Vicky called me on a cold, winter day. They had ridden their bikes from Salt Lake City to Farmington, and were planning to take Front Runner home. It was a holiday and Front Runner was not running. I was so happy that we (Ken, Josef, and I) were able to pick them up, and take them home. It was a very simple thing for us to do, but it made me feel good that I was able to be of help to them.

I am so grateful for Art and Vicky and all that they have done for me!

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