Saturday, January 26, 2013

It is Great to be Eight (almost)

 Amy also took some pictures of Wilson for his upcoming baptism!  Wilson will be eight in February, and so he has chosen to be baptized.  His baptism will be on March 2.  He lost a tooth 15 minutes before we went to get his pictures taken...he is missing a lot of teeth right now! I can't believe he is almost eight.   
 I remember explaining to Wilson that the Holmes' would come home from their mission the July after he got baptized (it is not easy trying to explain to a five year old how long three years is!)  I can't believe those three years have past.
 Wilson is so excited for his baptism.  It has been great to focus our FHE's on preparing him for baptism.  He is working on memorizing The Articles of Faith, and has started attending Cub Scouts (a couple of weeks early).
Wilson was excited to get his first suit, so he could be like his dad and wear it to church!  We are grateful that Aunt Becky could take in the pants, so that they don't fall off of him (my boys are so skinny!)

Wilson is gaining a testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ...there is nothing more important that Ken and I need to be teaching him right now.... I am so grateful for my own testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and there is nothing better than to watch Wilson gain his own!

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