Saturday, June 11, 2011

HUGGIE Portlock

Holden has wanted a teddy bear from Build a Bear for a long time. Wilson got Paulie the Polar Bear there a couple of years ago. Today we went to Build a Bear for Holden. He picked out a cream teddy bear, he named him Huggie Portlock!

This afternoon Holden was talking to Huggie, and Wilson was answering for Huggie.

Holden, "did you just want to be loved?" Wilson, "yes." Holden, "did you just want someone to come and pick you?" Wilson, "yes, and I want a friend named Paulie." Holden, "my brother has Paulie!!!!" and he ran into their bedroom, and brought Paulie out to Huggie.

1 comment:


my life has been on the fast track for so long...i almost forgot how cute your boys are...and man so sorry how sick everyone has been.....get better or we won't stop and see you in a few weeks