Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ashley & Taylor

The Bride & Groom
Shell & Stone

yummy, yummy cupcakes

They can be silly & funny &....

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL too!

Whit & Josef


The Best Daddy in the World !

Yesterday Ashley & Taylor were sealed in the Bountiful Temple. It was so special to be there with them, and so many family members. Ashley made an absolutely gorgeous bride (I do have to admit I am a little prejudice). I was so emotional at her sealing. Ashley and all of her family have a special place in my heart. They were all such a support to me when Ken was in Iraq. It is amazing how the Lord blessed me in such a difficult time. At the time that, Ashley was 14 and was being home schooled. Consequently, we spent a lot of time together. She has grown into such an amazing lady. I am grateful for the many discussions we have had over the years. In one of over discussion this past year, Ashley told me that Tayor was diderent than all of the other guys that she had dated, because he made her want to be a better person, what a compliment to Tayor! I am going to miss her since she and Taylor are moving to Seattle (I do love the city that they are moving to though!) I didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few!

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