Monday, March 22, 2010

Random thoughts

I want to remember the cute things that Wilson and Holden say. I am not very good at remembering or writing them down...but I am trying.
On Saturday, I was talking to Holden about making lunch. I asked him if he wanted a chicken salad sandwich, and he replied, "no, mom let's make ice cream sandwiches for lunch." Now when I ask him about a sandwich, he wants ice cream sandwiches.....
This morning, I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast. Holden and Wilson were cartoons on watching TV. I heard two little girls talking mean to each other, and I said to the boys "those little girls aren't talking very nicely", Wilson looked at me and said, "mom this show teaches friendship and problem solving skills". I thought I was going to bust out laughing.
Wilson and Holden are getting so big. They are both good little boys. Wilson always wants to make everyone happy. Holden wants to be a good boy, but he really struggles with doing that!

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