Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I had a fabulous Mother's Day weekend. Ken and I worked all day in the yard on Saturday. We weeded (Ken Mostly did that, which is a real treat because it is usually me:), I planted flowers in my pots, and Ken finished the bottom step of the stairs on our deck (yes, the deck was finished last Summer!) YIPPEE. Ken and the boys bought me some chairs and a table to go on the deck. I know this shocks my parents (because as a child I HATED doing yard work), but it is so satisfying and enjoyable when it is all finished.
I have been thinking about motherhood lately (I guess the Holiday can do that). When I think about being a mother, I am so overwhelmed with gratitude. Motherhood is something that I feared I would never have. I remember all of the Mother's Days that I dreaded going to church, and listening about motherhood, and then having to stand up with mothers and receive "the gift". Yesterday, I found myself feeling for the sweet, single lady that sits behind us every Sunday in Sacrament Meeting. I keeping try to think of something to say to let her know that I understand - of course no thoughts came to mind, because really what can be said..... I just tried to be a lot more grateful for what I have.
I truly have been so blessed. I have a wonderful husband that loves me and our boys. Ken is such a supportive dad and husband. I don't know how single mothers do it. I have been blessed with two (and another one on the way) of the cutest, sweetest, smartest, and well ... craziest boys! Since I feel liked I waited so many years to have what I have now, I really try and appreciate even the most frustrating times. I try to be little more patient when Holden plays in the garden with the hose, in his church clothes (yes I am still trying to get the soil out of his khaki pants and sandals) or when Wilson has one of his lovely fits.
I am also very grateful for my mother. She is one of the most patient people I have ever known. She remains faithful even when she stands alone. I am grateful for her example of perseverance. It is so fun to listen to my boys talk about their grandma. They love her so, and love to talk to her, what a blessing she is in all of our lives!

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