Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Lightsaber???

As I have written about previously, we are trying to get Wilson potty trainined - much to his unliking! When asked what Wilson wanted, after going potty, he said a lightsaber. I reminded him that he had already earned a lightsaber, and Wilson quickly responded that he wanted a red lightsaber for Holden. I asked him why he wanted a toy for his brother and he said "so we can fight!" Later that night when Ken was putting Wilson to bed, they were saying prayers. Wilson is also working on saying prayer, so Ken was helping him. Ken said "please bless Wilson to be able to go pee-pee in the potty," and instead of repeating what Ken said, Wilson continued, "so I can get a red lightsaber for Holden." Wilson did get the red lightsaber today for Holden...I guess now the fight begins.

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