Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Grandma

My Grandma passed away six years ago. The past couple of days I have thought of her often. I am so blessed to have wonderful memories of her. She was such a wonderful example of having a sense of humor through adversity. I used to tell her she could never die, and she would quickly reply that she did not want that. She lived a full life. She loved to travel, and see new things. When she lost her vision, she continued to go to Hawaii. She had to have the most vivid memory, because that was what she relied on for many years.

As a child, I remember their home in Grass Valley. I was young when she and Grandpa Kirk lived there, but I do remember some things.
smell of Grandpa Kirk's pipe -monkey toliet paper holder -chicken coupe -Heratio (the cow) -
picking mint (she told me to chew on it because it tasted so good, I did not think so, and I thought it was wierd) -eating her homemade chicken and dumplings before she went to work the swingshift at the hospital -her hair always up in a tight bun -Pickles -Apple Crisp -Kelly, Dutchess and Prissy (the dogs) -sleeping in the Oriental bed, and awaking up just to look at the carvings - I thought it was so big (it is not:)

I also have some memories when they lived in Nice.
flying to visit with mom, and getting sick on the plane -the long drive from the airport to Nice -the walnut trees and the rose garden -King Rama and Patches (the cats) -surprise visit with Aunt Becky, cousins and Allison -flying up to "help" after her surgery, and while Grandpa Kirk was in the hospital - driving (with a permit) from Sacramento all the way to Nice (two hours I think)

Most of my memories of Grandma are when she moved to Carlsbad - these memories are my most fond.
being 16 and sharing my room with her -her strong dislike of white pantyhose - all the years of nursing -her one bad meatloaf - no one wanted to say it was bad - she tasted it and said this is gross - she claimed it must have been bad meat.... -working at Lotions and Potions -all her crazy friends - Millie, Ellen, Violet, Rosalie, Jenny... -having her live around the corner -all her trips to Hawaii -Her taking care of Grandpa - thinking it was strange to see my Grandma and Grandpa together -going to Dr. Bond with her - watching her loose her sight -Grandpa and Grandma driving together - Grandma drove and Grandpa was the eyes (not a good combination) - telling her she couldn't light candles anymore (tablecloth on fire) -Ken and garlic- need I say more -
Two trips to Hawaii with her -getting a letter from a blind lady on my mission - they were so sweet - all the funny Christmas gifts -Tinker bell -all the missionaries -missing her wedding to Ken (sorry I was on a mission) -visiting her at The Gardens (she was happy there) -hearing about her Tuesdays with Erin, Whitney and Matthew -telling her I was engaged - she said it would have been nice to know you were dating someone first -her worrying I wouldn't find a wedding dress - telling her two days before she died that I had found one - Waking up early in the morning on August 31, and having the feeling she was gone - then getting the call from mom - she had passed away

I still think of Grandma all the time. She would have laughed at my experiences as a mother. I am sure she would find humor in the things that Wilson and Holden do.

1 comment:


Thanks for sharing. I miss her too. She was one of a kind and the colorful picture you put on your blog of her makes me laugh.