Friday, January 4, 2013

Diet Coke

These pictures are for my Aunt Becky, and Erin.... she hasn't tasted it yet (just because Erin is in Detroit, and I haven't let Becky give her any yet:), but she is already drawn to it!

This afternoon, I was eating lunch with Aurora.  I went to put some clothes in the dryer, and came back to this!  Aurora had swatted my FULL can of diet coke.  I guess that beautiful silver can was just too much for her to resist!  The diet coke had leaked on to my clean floor...I had just finished steaming it!

I can't believe how big she is getting!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Oh, Erin already got to James over Christmas. But, sad news, he prefers good ol' regular Coke!