Monday, May 23, 2011

Parvovirus, Fifth Disease, Slapped Cheek Disease

Holden is sick. I sent him to timeout, he grabbed the quilt grandma made, and he went to sleep...

Holden started with a fever of 103.4F on Thursday afternoon. I took him to the doctor on Friday morning to check for an ear infection or strep throat. All tests came back negative. He had a yo-yoing fever all weekend, but he didn't really seem sick. On Sunday he started complaining of pain behind his knees. He started walking really rigidly, and then opted to crawl. Sunday evening he received a blessing. Monday morning he was still crawling, and had a rash on his face, stomach, and back. Ken and I took him back to the doctor. He has Parvovirus, or Fifth disease, or Slapped Cheek Disease. I am so grateful that is all that he has, the doctor was worried about a bacterial infection in his joints. Hopefully the fever goes away soon, so he isn't contagious any more, but from what I have read the red cheeks could stick around for as long as a month....

1 comment:


serious! where have I been the last few days...and no wonder I haven't heard from you!. so sorry...:( is he better today? i will call tomorrow.