Sunday, October 17, 2010

You Swallowed WHAT???

Yesterday afternoon, Wilson, Holden and Canyon were playing LEGO Star Wars. Holden came running upstairs, and told Ken and me that he had swallow a LEGO. He kept pointing to his throat, and telling us it was stuck. Ken and I looked at each other, and didn't know what to do. We had him go and get a LEGO like the one he had swallowed, and this is what he brought us.

Ken had him drink some water, and then we decided to run him over to my Anut Becky, because she was a nurse, and so she would know what to do. I was so mad at him, because I am constantly teling him to get the LEGOS out of his mouth (I know I am a bad mom). Becky had him drink water, and at eat bread. He was fine, so now we just have to wait for it to move its way through the body...

My mom and dad called me this afternoon, and told me to check out this comic strip. The timing is ironic for our family!

1 comment:


lol! too funny....i mean the comic strip...but good thing he is ok.