Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Girl

This is to wish Grandma and Grandpa Voordeckers a Happy New Year!

Pretty Girls

A lady that works with Ken crocheted some cute hats for Annalise and Aurora...The hats were both a little big...but they are still cute!

Aurora crashed out during our Christmas Day get together...just looking at her makes me smile:)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Return of MarioCart

Last year, someone left the MarioCart disk on the floor, and someone stepped on it.  The game has been sorely missed!  Santa brought the boys another game, and Wilson even talked Grandpa into playing with him:)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Nativity

Annalise did a great job organizing the production this year (we have missed Whitney the last couple of years.)  She assigned all of the parts, and read the scriptures so well.  It is good that the scriptual account of Christ's birth refers specifically to only one woman (Mary is a pretty important role)....our family is so full of boys, that we easily cover Joseph, shepards, and wise men.

Aurora's Christmas Dress

Aurora was ready to go to church...well she still needed her pretty black shoes....but she was excited to go:)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Where is Aurora?

This morning, when Ken went to get Aurora, this is what he found.  She was sound asleep with a bubba on her face.  I think this is even cute with her face covered!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Kitchen Counter Friend

Aurora loves to sit in her bouncy on the kitchen counter while I cook. She loves to box her hanging toys, and everytime I talked to her she just smiles!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Snowmen at Night

We read the books, Snowmen at Night, and Snowmen at Christmas over and over, this past weekend it snowed enough for the boys to make three snowmen.  It is been fun to chat, with the boys, about what their snowmen might have done at night as they have melted. 
Ken helped the boys with this snowman, but before this one was built Holden built one all by himself.  Ken and I watched him out the window.  Holden is one determined little boy!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wilson's First Recital

Wilson had his first recital tonight.  He just started piano lesson is September, and really loves it!  It has been fun to hear his progression!

Watch carefully at the end, all of the students took nice bows...but not my Wilson!  He does a very quick bow of the head, and then he was done!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holden's "New Look"

Yesterday Holden told me he had a loose tooth!  He was trying to eat an apple whole, and it was hurting.  He was upset when he told me, because, for him, a loose tooth has NOT been a good thing!  This time it was fine, because he is six, and it was one of his bottom teeth.
When he was brushing his teeth last night, he came running out of the bathroom, because something "hard" had fallen out of his mouth.  It was his tooth!  While I was on the bathroom floor, searching for the tiny tooth, he said, "hey mom, I have a new look!" 
This morning I heard Holden chatting with Aurora, he said "Aurora, do you like my new look?"  Holden is such a character! I love his new look...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Just a couple of Holden's one liners (from today)

Josef and Holden were playing Wii LEGO Star Wars...Josef was crying and yelling at Holden, "don't kill me" over and over.  I asked Holden to not kill Josef, and Holden's response was "Mom, this game is full of violence!"  I guess maybe we need to rethink that Wii game - he might regret that comment:)

I was feeding Aurora this afternoon, and she was crying (she is teething, and has been struggling).  Holden walked into her room, kissed her on the head, and Aurora stop crying.  Holden walked out of the room and said, "all she needed was a kiss from me!"  I really wish it was that easy to calm her down right now:)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

He Makes Me Smile

Wilson is growing up so fast!  This morning he was doodling, and this is what I found on the paper after he left for school.  I can't believe he is writing in cursive now...and of course he has to add a little "Wilson" flare!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gingerbread Men

The boys had fun decorating their own gingerbread men...

Saturday, December 1, 2012


 Amy took Aurora's pictures yesterday - these are just a few thumbnails she sent me.  I am excited to get the rest of the pictures!  It is fun to have a friend with so much talent...and she is willing to trade babysitting with me..that means we get to spend a couple of afternoons with Gracie:)

Aurora can't keep her hands and fingers out of her mouth at this point...
I don't know how many times I moved her hands down, and then they went right back to her mouth!

Fun Stuff

 Wilson built this to put with our LEGO Christmas village...he was pleased with himself!
 Annalise and I made this felt Christmas Tree and ornaments.  I am grateful for her cutting skills, otherwise it would have taken me a lot longer.  Hopefully with this, the boys will leave the real Christmas Tree alone:)
All decorated!